Rabu, 25 Mei 2011


today, mr. Herry announced my scores on term 3. it's good but there is 0 in it, and i will change my scores on term 4. after that, we performed again but i got lost because the tempo is messed up. and we still dont know who's the one who messing the tempo. after that, i watched my friends' performing.


today, i watched my friends' performance, jazz performance, and this is our 3rd rehearsal. when we practice, mr. joh told us to little bit changed the concept. and when we performed, it was little but messy, and we need to practice more. next, i will practice again


today, i writed a reflection about my final jingle, before that, we ad a guest star, which is James S. Sundakh. after that, mr. Herry gave me a work habit paper.


today we did the rehearsal of group performance, and we also watched other group performance, and we also watched other group performance. but before that, i watched performance of adrian and gregorius. next, i will upload my video to my blog and after that, i also practice with my group


today, i heard my friends' jingle, and after that i gave them the feedbacks. after that, i saw the performance of Gregorius and Adrian, but there werent ready, so they will perfor again on friday.


today, we rehearsed duet song. my partner is pandu, we sang can't take my eyes off you. mr. Herry said that we were good but we have to split our voice.


today, my presentation group presentated about music in Jakarta. but, mr. Herry told us that we have to make an essay again. after that, we had a assessment about group music, but we will did it again next week on friday next, i will make my jingle song and submit it on monday.

13th april 2011

group 1: i cant really hear they're talking. but, their information is enough i can understand easily, but i have to read the power point because they dont speak clearly.

group 2: they presentated about music for babies, i also cant hear what were they talking. but their information is very clear, now i know more about music and babies.

group 3: too many information about what music is. so after that, i'm kind of lazy to hear another slide.

in instrument class, we heared other groups presentated their work. actually, my group have to presentate our work too, but i cant presentate it today because i cant did the power point, i had no time to do it.


today, i've learnt about how to make jingle in finale and we also have to make a presentation about group presentation about group presentation on music role in the society. next, i will perform my group jazz, so i have to practice my song and i also have to make the presentation.

16th march 2011

today, i'm practicing with my group jazz, which are with pandu, nissa, erick, martinus, and ardhito. i love the song and i love finding some chord with it. next, i will find the melody and make it clear.

Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

16 march 2011

today, i'm practicing with my group jazz, which is with Pandu, Nissa, Erick, Martinus, and Ardhito. i love the song and i love finding some chord with it. next, i will find the melody and make it clear.

11 march 2011

today, i writed my reflection about my 12 bars blues assessment. after that, we did a major and minor scales. after that, my friend checked it and gave it back to me. next, i will write my reflection and my video on my blog.

9 march 2011

today, i writed a reflection about my assessment last week, then, i also watched a song video about our group performance. me. herry also taught us about c minor, c7, c9, c11, and c13. next, i will make my homework, i have to make c7, c9, c11, and c13 in G,D,  and A.

2 march 2011

today, we had to rehearsal out 12 bars blues with instrument. i did it quiet good, but i didn't bring my 12 bars blues, but i memorized it. so, i kind of confused in some parts. next, i will make my 12 bars blues in finale and give it to mr herry tomorrow before 7.40 am.
in instrument class, we had a rehearsal again with instrument and mr. herry connected my scales that kind of fals. next, i will practice again at home about my blues scales.

25 february 2011

today mr herry played my blues scales, and he told me about my blues scales that i have to fix it again. next, i will practice my scales because i think my first scales is not so good. but there still some part that same with the first scales. next, i will practice my final scales and make it in finale.

23 February 2011

today mr herry taught us about blues scales, and i made a blues scales. i'm so confused but i can made it well. next, i will practice at home about my scales.
in instrument class, i re-write my blues sclaes and i made it better. next, i will practice playing it.

11 february 2011

today we had a rehearsal for singing music assessment for jazz genre. but, i did it kinda fail because the melody is very low and i can't reach it. next, i will try to learn the piano of my song, so i can match it with my speech.

9 february 2011

today we have a short assessment. we had to sing i got rhythm. i almost fail in this assessment because i laughed too much. but i did it! i can did this assessment. next, i will try to not laughing when i'm singing and focused on my assessment.

26 january 2011

today mr. herry made 3 groups and we had to discuss about some question which mr. Herry gave to us. after that, we tried to memorize some jazz types.
in instrument class, i played jazz models in reverse mode. its little bit confused, but i can played it. after that, i also did note a simple chord progression.

19 january 2011

today we had a quiz about jazz. i cant do it. after that, mr. Herry taught us about jazz modes. its quiet esay but i still have to practice and mr. Herry also gave a homework.
in instrument class, i played jazz modes on the piano c major, and i did it quiet well.

23 February 2011

today mr. Herry taught us about blues scales and i made a blues scales. i'm so confused but i can made it well. next, i will practice at home about my scales.
in instrument class, i re-write my blues scales and i made it better. next, i will practice playing it.

new term

TERM 3!!!!!!!!!!!!